I went to my school this morning thinking I was soo late and damn i'll be getting lower grades and might not gonna have hopes anymore. Instead, I went there found out that we have no class! I was so in HIGH SPIRIT ^_^ THANK GOD! :) But that stopped when i finally tried to approach my teacher about my partial grade in her subject. I got astonished and dismay at the same time. I didn't realize how snob she was and was not very approachable about my case. Well, maybe she thought that I am not making good with my studies and that I'm just taking her subject for granted that's why I had that score that she was keeping. Well, its not like that. Actually I really had a hard time analyzing her discussions and of course I can really say that i am a slow learner. And yeah, I got tired of doing to myself alone, practicing. But now that she has told me to send my lab2 which it was already been a deadline and i didn't have a grade cause I made it into execution instead of c. WEll, program thingy! But she is soo D***, her email that she gave me didn't work. It was failed. I can't send it to her. Tsk. :( so, how will it be now? Dang. She just making herself added to my problem. :T_T (huhu! , i need you GOD!) i need you :( summer class is soon to be end. And im in the verge of breaking down. huhuuhuhuhuhuu someone must save me! and i know It is you GOD! :( please.
-just need to sleep 'em all.
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