Basically, I didn't expect to have a very productive day except that I already promised a friend for an event to attend today. Plus, I never thought I could really persuaded my sister to come with me. It was a blessing in God to be accompanied by my sister. I hope she wont regret it and will be inspired about what we heard from the event. Well for me, the event that we attended really inspired me so much when it comes to entrepreneurship.
I am really looking forward that one day, I would be able to become one of the very successful businessmen/women just like the ones who are very successful right now. (REDUNDANT, I KNOW :p)
Anyways, one thing that made me happier for today, that again I was able to attend our youth fellowship even if I wasn't able to finish it due to another appointment with the same group in the morning. It was the most exciting and contented moment for me to be part on today's discussions in the church. Here are some pics that I took before the fellowship started. :)
L-R, Above - below: Kim, Rebecca, Riza, Stage, Ate Rachael, & baby Tal :)
With the Escalona sisters, Kim and baby Tal |
So after I left in the fellowship, I went to the center to meet my other appointees. I stayed the for awhile while waiting for my sister to arrive. Talked with Lor about random stuffs and learned something from him at the same time. It's really important to be open-minded and I've used it. After meeting with sister and Regie in the center. Few minutes we left together with our leader DALE.
We kinda have bonding session tonight which the fact me and my sister were the only girls in the group.
We went to this night cafe for like 30 minutes and went to the market place where we ate "HALANG-HALANG" or spicy bolalo.
It was my first time since I never really go out from the house aside from going to school and meet my original group of friends.
From the L- Above -Down : Rice with HALANG HALANG soup
Dale, Deo, Mark, Lor & Prince. Regie, Angelica and Me. |
Haha and so thank God Dale dropped us in our place. Good night, super tired now. Thank God.. =)