Sunday, May 24, 2009

I am so nervous

Today is the result of my sister's grade in her Health Assessment. I just hope and believe in God that everything will be fine for my sister, as well as with me. Cause tomorrow is also my final result.

I know that i wasn't really doing my best or gave my best. But what i know is that, every single thing that i am on, im working on it seriously but that depends on my ability and capacity. Nonetheless i knew to myself that there are things that are very difficult and I have no confidence if i could ever make it.

But instead, I didn't end up a word but still I face the challenge. Neither that i know, I can do it "pala".

My aunts and uncles that are side of my mom are the ones whom i made challenge for. I know that i could never be like them such as very smart and intelligent. And are gifted with great knowledge.

I know that in myself God had already planted something inside of me. And yet, i haven't harvested it. But anyway, i know there'll be a right time for it.

Anyway, my nerves are vibrating and i feel how it beat up. I pray that we all could pass this challenge and trials that we are now facing. God is with us!

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